Main vatika road, Maruti suzuki Areana, near mosko Royle Ville , sec 82 , Gurugram , Haryana 122050



Biochemistry tests comprise over one third of all the laboratory investigation. Biochemistry is that branch of laboratory medicine in which chemical and biochemical methods are applied to the study of disease while in theory this embraces all non-morphological studies, in practice it is usually, though not exclusively, confined to studies on blood and urine because of the relative ease in obtaining such specimens although analysis are made on other body fluids such as gastric aspirate and cerebrospinal fluid

Our services in Biochemistry

Meditest offers a variety of testing, from routine to esoteric. Automation allows for rapid turnaround times and the best quality the industry has to offer. We are one of the few labs to offer newborn testing and our experts continually improve on the test’s efficacy and expand on the analytes detected.

  • Clinical and Special Biochemistry
  • Extended Lipid Profile
  • Cardiac Enzyme testing etc.
  • Antenatal screening profiles
  • Comprehensive allergy testing
  • Drug level assays

Our World-Wide Presence